jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010
jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010
Feliz Navidad Zappianos.
martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010
Anything Anytime Anywhere For No Reason At All, Again Also

DISCO NUEVO DE LA ZAGA Aaafnraaaa Birthday Bundle
Happy Birthday Frank!
"Willie The Pimp" by Frank Zappa
Artists: DMC, Talib Kweli, MMM & Ahmet Zappa
Produced By Jared Lee Gosselin For Monsterfoot Music
Recorded and Mixed By Jared Lee Gosselin, UMRK
Vocals - DMC (Darryl McDaniels), Talib Kweli (Talib Kweli Greene courtesy of Blacksmith Music) & Ahmet Zappa
Drums - Marshall Goodman
Guitar - Orbel Babayan
Bass - Kurt Morgan
Scratches - Mix Master Mike
"Bobby Brown" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Ahmet Zappa
Produced, Recorded & Mixed By Jared Lee Gosselin, UMRK
B.G. Vocals - Rama Duke
Guitar - Orbel Babayan
Keys - Fred Kron
Bass - Kurt Morgan
Drums - Joe Travers
"Treacherous Cretins" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Frank Zappa
Pau, France, 16 March 1979
Produced & Recorded Live by FZ
Guitar/vocals - FZ
Vocals - Ike Willis
Slide guitar/vocals - Denny Walley
Guitar - Warren Cuccurullo
Keyboards - Tommy Mars
Keyboards - Peter Wolf
Percussion - Ed Mann
Bass - Arthur Barrow
Drums - Vinnie Colaiuta
Mixed by FZ
Mastered by John Polito 2010
"The Deathless Horsie" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Dweezil Zappa (Live with ZPZ)
Produced by Dweezil Zappa
Mixed by Dweezil Zappa & TJ Helmerich
Mastered by Dweezil Zappa & TJ Helmerich
Live Recording Engineer: Dave Tobias
2011 GRAMMY NOMINEE - Best Rock Instrumental Performance
"City Of Tiny Lites" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Frank Zappa at Hammersmith Odeon
London, England, 26 January 1978
Produced & Recorded Live by FZ
Guitar, vocals - FZ
Drums - Terry Bozzio
Guitar, vocals - Adrian Belew
Percussion - Ed Mann
Bass - Patrick O'Hearn
Keyboards, vocals - Tommy Mars
Keyboards - Peter Wolf
Mixed by Craig Parker Adams, December 2010
Mastered by John Polito 2010
"Your Mouth" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Macy Gray (Courtesy of Concord Music Group)
Produced By Jared Lee Gosselin For Monsterfoot Music
Recorded & Mixed By Jared Lee Gosselin, UMRK
B.G. Vocals - Rama Duke
Lead Guitar - Dweezil Zappa
Horns - Scheila Gonzalez
Keys - Fred Kron
Rhythm Guitar - Orbel Babayan
Bass - Kurt Morgan
Drums - Joe Travers
"My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Frank Zappa
Syracuse, NY, 21 March 1988
Produced & Recorded Live by FZ
Lead guitar, computer-synth, vocal - FZ
Vocals - Ike Willis
Rhythm guitar, synth, vocal - Mike Keneally
Keyboards, vocal - Bobby Martin
Vibes, marimba, electronic percussion - Ed Mann
Trumpet, flugel horn, synth - Walt Fowler
Trombone - Bruce Fowler
Alto sax, soprano sax, baritone sax - Paul Carman
Tenor sax - Albert Wing
Baritone sax, bass sax, contrabass clarinet - Kurt McGettrick
Electric bass, Minimoog - Scott Thunes
Drums, electronic percussion - Chad Wackerman
Mixed by FZ with Bob Stone, UMRK 1989
Mastered by John Polito 2010
"Jumbo Go Away" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Frank Zappa at Hammersmith Odeon
London, England, February 1979
Produced & Recorded Live by FZ
Guitar/vocals - FZ
Vocals - Ike Willis
Slide guitar/vocals - Denny Walley
Guitar - Warren Cuccurullo
Keyboards - Tommy Mars
Keyboards - Peter Wolf
Percussion - Ed Mann
Bass - Arthur Barrow
Drums - Vinnie Colaiuta
Mixed by FZ with Bob Stone, UMRK circa 1981
Mastered by John Polito 2010
"Peaches En Regalia" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Dweezil Zappa, Zappa Plays Zappa with N.M. Brock & Steve Vai
Produced by Pierre & Francois Lamoureux
Mixed by Denis Normandeau & Dweezil Zappa with Francois Lamoureux
Mastered by Bryan Martin & Francois Lamoureux at Sonosphere, Montreal
2009 GRAMMY WINNER - Best Rock Instrumental Performance
"Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance" by Frank Zappa
Artist: Holland Greco
Ukulele / Vocals / Kazoo / Bells - Holland Greco
Drums - Andy Sanesi
Tracking Produced by Joe Travers, UMRK
Engineered by Richard Landers
Additional Recording, Engineering, and Synths by Starvon Washington at S1V Music Studios
Mix by Jared Gosselin
"The Torture Never Stops" by Frank Zappa
Artists: Chloe & Robert Trujillo (on Bass)
Guitar - Jamie Kime
Keys - Fred Kron
Drums - Andy Sanesi
Tracking Produced by Joe Travers, UMRK
Engineered by Richard Landers
Mix by Jared Lee Gosselin, UMRK
"Stairway To Heaven"
by Jimmy Page & Robert Plant
Artist: Frank Zappa
Buffalo, NY, 9 March 1988
Produced & Recorded Live by FZ
Lead guitar, computer-synth, vocal - FZ
Vocal - Ike Willis
Rhythm guitar, synth, vocal - Mike Keneally
Keyboards, vocal - Bobby Martin
Vibes, marimba, electronic percussion - Ed Mann
Trumpet, flugelhorn, synth - Walt Fowler
Trombone - Bruce Fowler
Alto sax, soprano sax, baritone sax - Paul Carman
Tenor sax - Albert Wing
Baritone sax, bass sax, contrabass clarinet - Kurt McGettrick
Electric bass, Minimoog - Scott Thunes
Drums, electronic percussion - Chad Wackerman
Mix by FZ with Bob Stone, UMRK 1989
Mastered by John Polito 2010
lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010
Feliz cumpleaños Frank.

Mi verdadero nombre es Frank Vincent Zappa (...). Nací el 21 de diciembre de 1940, en Baltimore, Maryland. Cuando aparecí estaba todo negro; pensaban que estaba muerto. Ahora estoy bien.
Mis ancestros son sicilianos, griegos, árabes y franceses. La madre de mi madre era francesa y siciliana, y su padre era italiano (de Nápoles). Ella era de primera generación. La parte greco-árabe viene de mi padre. Nació en un pueblo siciliano llamado Partinico, y llegó en uno de los barcos de inmigrantes cuando era un niño.
Trabajaba en la barbería de su padre en el puerto de Maryland. Por un penique al día (o un penique a la semana, no me acuerdo), se subía a una caja y enjabonaba las caras de los marineros para que su padre los afeitara. Un trabajo estupendo.
Más tarde fue a la universidad en Chapel Hill, en Carolina del Norte, y tocó la guitarra en una especie de trío 'crooner itinerante' (...). Iban de ventana en ventana, cantando serenatas como "Little Red Wing" a las estudiantes. Estaba en el equipo de lucha y, cuando se graduó, cogió un trabajo enseñando historia en Loyola, en Maryland.
Mis padres hablaban italiano en casa para que los niños no supieran de qué estaban hablando, que probablemente era de dinero, ya que nunca parecíamos tener bastante. Supongo que era conveniente para ellos tener un 'código secreto', pero no enseñar el idioma a los niños puede haber tenido algo que ver con su deseo de adaptarse. (No estaba de moda ser de 'extracción extranjera' en los EE.UU. durante la II Guerra Mundial).
Vivíamos en unas casas del ejercito en Edgewood, Maryland.
sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010
viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band - Bat Chain Puller (1976)

Captan Beefheart (Don van Vliet, su nombre verdadero) & His magic Band venian de grabar un par de albums "comerciales", que no gustaron para nada a sus fans. Despues de estos fracasos, en 1975 Frank Zappa, amigo de toda la vida de Beefheart, lo invito a tocar en un tour con el (Bongo Fury Tour). Cuando termino el tour, en 1976,Beefheart y su banda ensayaron y grabaron nuevas canciones en el estudio de Zappa, quien ademas los financio, el resultado fue el excelente Bat Chain puller; pero Zappa, que en este momento tenia un sello con un socio, no tenia intenciones de editar este disco, queria que un sello mas grande lo compre y edite. La cuestion es que Zappa y su socio se pelearon y este disco nunca salio.
Un par de años despues el Capitan consiguio un contrato discografico con Warner y se grabo el disco Shinny Beast (Bat Chain Puller). Se grabaron devuelta gran parte de las canciones del Bat Chain Puller, mas algunas nuevas. En la grabacion trabajo el ingeniero de sonido de Igor Stravinsky, y con este disco la banda volvió a recuperar la confianza de todos sus seguidores.
Y bueno, esa es la historia, el disco nunca salio, Frank Zappa murio, y su familia,que son los que tienen los derechos de editar el disco, nunca lo hicieron. A lo largo de tres decadas salieron diferentes piratas de este disco, algunos de mala calidad, otros mejores, y algunos directamente eran falsos. Esta version es la mejor, esta pasada directamente de una cinta original a un cd, del cd a flac.
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Bat Chain Puller
(Unreleased LP)
1. Bat Chain Puller
2. Seam Crooked Sam
3. Harry Irene
4. Poop Hatch
5. Flavor Bud Living
6. Brickbats
7. Floppy Boot Stomp
8. A Carrot Is As Close As A Rabbit Gets To A Diamond
9. Owed T'Alex
10. Odd Jobs
11. The 1010th Day Of The Human Totem Pole
12. Apes-ma
DON VAN VLIET - vocals/tenor sax/soprano sax/bass clarinet
DENNY WALLEY - guitar/slide guitar
JEFF MORIS TEPPER - guitar/slide guitar
JOHN THOMAS - keyboards
JOHN FRENCH - drums/percussion/guitar
el Adiós a Captain Beefheart.

Al final de su vida Van Vliet vivió en el norte de California y se dedicó por entero a la pintura, (hasta el punto de afirmar que puede ganarse la vida mejor que como músico) hasta el 17 de diceiembre de 2010 cuando muere a causa de complicaciones de esclerosis múltiple. En un principio, recibió algunas críticas por parecer un "músico de rock metido a artista para aumentar su ego". No obstante, a lo largo de los años su trabajo ha ido recibiendo críticas positivas y una mayor atención. Su pintura, como su música, se ha caracterizado por ser innovadora y extrema, alcanzando algunas de sus obras elevados precios en el mercado del arte, y ha sido comparado con Pablo Picasso o Franz Kline. Gordon Veneklasen, director de la "Michael Werner Gallery" (Nueva York), describe a Van Vliet como "un increíble pintor" y el crítico de arte John Rogers como "uno de los artistas abstracto-expresionistas más renovadores en todo el mundo".
jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010
La Navidad a lo Zappa.
martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010
Se cumplen 30 años del asesinato de Lennon

Un arma en manos del asesino Mark David Chapman descerrajó los cinco balazos con los que hace 30 años se truncó la intensa, prolífica y movilizadora vida de John Lennon, el artista que dotó al rock de un componente ideológico y testimonial capaz de resignificar la manía planetaria que vivió como parte de Los Beatles.
Quiero recordar a Lennon, bajo el contexto de este Blog, dejando tres videos de cuando John y Yoko subieron al escenario a tocar unas canciones con Frank Zappa. Que mejor forma de recordarlo junto al maestro. Gracias John.
playlist Programa nº2 * Zappa GRITA! Radio Show.

2. Promo KSAN-SF Station ID (0:28)
3. Interview - Napoleon Murphy Brock Interview TSF 2010-10-29 (5:57)
4. Frank Zappa - Hungry Freaks, Daddy (3:28)
5. Frank Zappa - America Drinks And Goes Home (2:45)
6. Frank Zappa - Igor's Boogie, Phase One (0:36)
7. Frank Zappa - Overture to a Holliday in ... (1:27)
8. Frank Zappa - Theme from Burnt Weeny ... (4:32)
9. Frank Zappa - Cucamonga (2:24)
10. Frank Zappa - Excentrifugal Forz (1:33)
11. Frank Zappa - Eddie, Are You Kidding (3:11)
12. Frank Zappa - I'm The Slime (3:34)
13. Frank Zappa - The Idiot Bastard Son (2:27)
14. Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat- Main Title Theme (1:55)
15. Frank Zappa - The Voice Of Cheese (0:27)
16. Frank Zappa - Nine Types Of Industrial Pollution (6:00)
17. Frank Zappa - Friendly Little Finger (4:17)
18. Frank Zappa - Conehead (4:18)
19. Frank Zappa - Revised Music For Guitar And Low-Budget Orchestra (7:36)
20. Frank Zappa - I Have Been in You (3:34)
21. Promo 1967 - 05 Freak Out~Absolutely Free LPs (1:12)
22. Frank Zappa - The Interview Sessions (2:33)
23. Frank Zappa - He's So Gay (2:45)
24. Frank Zappa - The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue (6:52)
25. Promo 1968 Buenos Aries Radio (0:09)
26. Eric Dolphy - Far Cry - Eric Dolphy, Dolphy, Eric (3:54)
27. Jean-Luc Ponty - Music For Electric Violin And Low Budget Orchestra (19:25)
28. Grand Funk Railroad - Out To Get You (4:44)
29. Steve Vai - Frank (5:09)
30. The G.T.O.'s, Girls Together Outrageously - Who's Jim Sox? (0:17)
31. The G.T.O.'s, Girls Together Outrageously - Kansas and the BTO's (1:12)
32. The G.T.O.'s, Girls Together Outrageously - Captain's Fat Theresa Shoes (1:56)
33. The Persuasions - Looking for an Echo (4:25)
34. Dweezil & Ahmet Zappa - What Went Wrong In The Real World (5:44)
35. Dweezil Zappa - Her Eyes Don't Follow Me (3:51)
36. Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Pachuco Cadaver (4:39)
37. Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Sure 'Nuff 'N Yes I Do (2:15)
38. Promo 1966-11-30 Berkeley MOI Hop (1:00)
39. Frank Zappa - Young & Monde (11:24)
40. Frank Zappa - Catholic Girls (Live Version) (4:04)
41. Frank Zappa - Night School (4:53)
42. Frank Zappa - The Interview Sessions (4:05)
43. Promo 1968 Buenos Aries Radio (0:09)
44. Promo 1968 Anti-Smack & Downers PSA (0:29)
Recital completo de Buffalo 1974.
45. Frank Zappa - Tush Tush (A Token Of My Extreme) (4:50)
46. Frank Zappa - Stinkfoot (5:31)
47. Frank Zappa - RDNZL (10:13)
48. Frank Zappa - Village Of The Sun (4:48)
49. Frank Zappa - Echidna's Arf (3:20)
50. Frank Zappa - Don't You Ever Wash (6:50)
51. Frank Zappa - Penguin In Bondage (9:41)
52. Frank Zappa - T'Mershi Duween (3:28)
53. Frank Zappa - Dog Breath Variations (0:42)
54. Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat (2:19)
55. Frank Zappa - Building A Girl (5:19)
56. Frank Zappa - Yellow Snow (2:50)
57. Frank Zappa - Nanook Rubs It (5:05)
58. Frank Zappa - St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast (2:08)
59. Frank Zappa - Father O'Blivion (3:06)
60. Frank Zappa - Tush Tush Outro (2:15)
61. Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo (3:04)
62. Frank Zappa - More Trouble Every Day (6:03)
viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010
17 años del fallecimiento de Frank Zappa.

En la primavera de 1990 los médicos diagnosticaron a Zappa un cáncer de próstata inoperable, y le dieron muy poco tiempo de vida.
Déjame decirte. El cáncer te puede preocupar. Te puede preocupar a muerte. Estoy luchando por mi vida. De momento voy ganando. He sobrepasado ya las apuestas. Cuando el cáncer fue diagnosticado al principio, los médicos no me dieron mucho tiempo. Pero he sorprendido a todo el mundo quedándome hasta ahora.
¿Cuál es la alternativa? Quedarte en la cama o trabajar. Si tienes un estudio y un buen equipo de gente como yo, y todavía tienes ideas musicales, entonces vas a trabajar y trabajas hasta que ya no puedes trabajar más.
Antes era un ave nocturna, pero ahora suelo estar en cama a las seis o las siete de la tarde. Ya no me es posible trabajar todo un largo día. Me levanto a las 6:30 por la mañana. Si puedo hacer un turno de 12 horas, entonces siento que realmente estoy haciendo algo. El equipo llega alrededor de las 9.30, lo que me da un poco de tiempo para trabajar solo antes de sentarme en el estudio todo el día con ellos.
Lejos de deprimirse, luchó contra el cáncer con toda su energía dilatando el tiempo lo más posible y apretando su agenda de trabajo todo lo que la enfermedad le permitía, preparando material para su publicación e incluso previendo futuras publicaciones póstumas.

Trabajo tantas horas al día como físicamente lo puedo soportar. Lo normal ahora son unas 15.
Cuando estoy cansado, me voy a dormir.
Lo que hago depende del tipo de trabajo en que estoy metido. Los dos últimos meses he estado muy metido en producción de discos, así que el día de trabajo de producción es diferente de uno con el Synclavier. Normalmente, me levanto, como alguna cosa, bajo las escaleras, y me voy directo a Sonic Solutions. Transfiero cintas en el disco duro y empiezo a editarlas, ecualizarlas y construir cosas. Y luego, después de que un álbum está construido, lo vierto, recargo el disco duro y sigo. Y usualmente trabajo de noche para hacer ese tipo de cosas. Tenemos un ingeniero que trabaja de 9:00 de la mañana hasta las 7:00 por la noche, cuatro días a la semana. Mi agenda se superpone con la suya. Le doy instrucciones de lo que hay que mezclar, le digo cómo quiero que se haga, y él monta la cosa. En ese momento, yo me voy a dormir cuatro o cinco horas y luego me levanto por la tarde, y él habrá o completado la mezcla o estar ya listo para pasarlo a cinta. Así que me siento con él, desde digamos, las 4:00 a las 7:00 y superviso las mezclas. Y tomo una hora para comer. Y sobre las 8:00, vuelvo a Sonic Solutions. Normalmente trabajo hasta las 4:00 o las 5:00 de la mañana.
Otros proyectos que dejó preparados para su edición fueron The Lost Episodes (1996), que reunía material inédito de estudio desde los años 50 hasta los 70, Have I Offended Someone? (1997), recopilación de sus temas más ofensivos para quien se deja ofender, y Everything Is Healing Nicely (1999), grabado con el Ensemble Modern, y que incluye más material de los conciertos y los ensayos de The Yellow Shark, Dance Me This, un ballet realizado con el Synclavier, Trance-Fusion, recopilación de solos de guitarra procedentes sobre todo de la gira de 1988, y The Rage and The Fury: The Works of Edgar Varèse, una grabación de música de Edgar Varèse con el Ensemble Modern.

En lo que estoy trabajando justo en este momento es en un álbum de Synclavier llamado Dance Me This, que está diseñado para uso de grupos de danza moderna. Probablemente no va a salir hasta el próximo año.
FZ, entrevistado en Guitarist Magazine, 1993
Finalmente, después de una larga y dolorosa batalla contra la enfermedad, Frank Zappa murió el 4 de diciembre de 1993 acompañado de su familia. La declaración oficial de su esposa Gail fue que había partido hacia su "última gira."
jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010
Hammersmith Odeon (3CDs Box Set)

Official Release #89
Released: 6 November 2010
Label: Vaulternative Records
Catalog Number: VR 20101
Produced by Frank Zappa
CD Produced by Gail Zappa & Joe Travers
Music, Performance, Band & Recordings by Frank Zappa
Audience de la London, England
DISC 1 (tt 55:41):
1. Convocation/The Purple Lagoon (1-27-78) 2:18
2. Dancin' Fool (1-27-78) 3:43
3. Peaches En Regalia (2-28-78) 2:36
4. The Torture Never Stops (2-28-78) 13:52
5. Tryin' To Grow A Chin (2-28-78) 3:37
6. City Of Tiny Lites (2-28-78) 7:01
7. Baby Snakes (2-28-78) 1:54
8. Pound For A Brown (2-28-78) 20:39
DISC 2 (tt 56:17):
9. I Have Been In You (1-26-78) 13:55
10. Flakes (2-28-78) 6:39
11. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes (2-28-78) 3:54
12. Punky's Whips (1-26-78) 10:26
13. Titties 'N Beer (1-26-78) 4:49
14. Audience Participation (1-26-78) 3:32
15. The Black Page #2 (1-26-78) 2:49
16. Jones Crusher (1-25-78) 3:01
17. The Little House I Used To Live In (1-25-78) 7:13
DISC 3 (tt 62:04):
18. Dong Work For Yuda (1-25-78) 2:56
19. Bobby Brown (1-26-78) 4:54
20. Envelopes (1-26-78) 2:16
21. Terry Firma* (1-26-78) 4:10
22. Disco Boy (1-26-78) 6:43
23. King Kong (2-28-78) 10:10
24. Watermelon In Easter Hay [Prequel] (1-27-78) 3:55
25. Dinah-Moe Humm (1-26-78) 6:10
26. Camarillo Brillo (1-26-78) 3:23
27. Muffin Man (1-26-78) 6:18
28. Black Napkins (1-25-78) 5:16
29. San Ber'dino (1-25-78) 5:54
FRANK ZAPPA Lead Guitar & Vocals
TERRY BOZZIO Drums & Vocals
ADRIAN BELEW Guitar & Vocals
TOMMY MARS Keys & Vocals
ED MANN Percussion
Original Recordist, Peter Henderson
Recording Trucks by Basing Street Mobile, 25-27 January & Manor Mobile, 28 February; 1978
Parte 1 / Parte 2 / Parte 3
... de un Fan.
martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010
playlist Programa nº1 * Zappa GRITA! Radio Show.

2. Frank Zappa - Willie The Pimp (9:16)
3. Frank Zappa - Hungry Freaks,Daddy (2:35)
4. Frank Zappa - WPLJ (Four Deuces) (2:52)
5. Frank Zappa - Transylvania Boogie (5:01)
6. Frank Zappa - Who Are The Brain Police? (3:40)
7. Frank Zappa - Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder (2:45)
8. Promo 1972 Get Out The Vote PSA (0:53)
9. Frank Zappa - The Interview Sessions (2:21)
10. Frank Zappa - Plastic People (3:44)
11. Frank Zappa - Ronnie Sings? (1:05)
12. Frank Zappa - Kenny's Booger Story (0:32)
13. Frank Zappa - Ronnie's Booger Story (1:16)
14. Frank Zappa - Love Of My Life (3:10)
15. Frank Zappa - Fountain Of Love (3:23)
16. Frank Zappa - The Torture Never Stops (Orig. Version) (2:20)
17. Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage (Live Version) (3:19)
18. Promo 1968 Buenos Aries Radio (0:09)
19. Dweezil Zappa - Havin' A Bad Day (4:09)
20. Eddie Van Halen With Dwezil Zappa - My Mother Is A Space Cadet (2:39)
21. The G.T.O.'s, Girls Together Outrageously - Eureka Springs Garbage Lady (3:47)
22. Jeff Simmons - Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up (3:18)
23. Frank Zappa - Wino Man (With Dr. John Routine) (7:44)
24. Promo 1975-10-12 KZEW-Dallas Concert (0:39)
25. Frank Zappa - Oliver North Arab Concentration Camp In Louisiana (4:07)
Hammersmith Odeon * Versión Completa
26. Frank Zappa - Convocation/The Purple Lagoon (2:18)
27. Frank Zappa - Dancin' Fool (3:42)
28. Frank Zappa - Peaches En Regalia (2:36)
29. Frank Zappa - The Torture Never Stops (13:52)
30. Frank Zappa - Tryin' To Grow A Chin (3:37)
31. Frank Zappa - City Of Tiny Lites (7:01)
32. Frank Zappa - Baby Snakes (1:53)
33. Frank Zappa - Pound For A Brown (20:38)
34. Frank Zappa - I Have Been In You (13:55)
35. Frank Zappa - Flakes (6:39)
36. Frank Zappa - Broken Hearts Are For Assholes (3:53)
37. Frank Zappa - Punky's Whips (10:25)
38. Frank Zappa - Titties 'n Beer (4:49)
39. Frank Zappa - Audience Participation (3:31)
40. Frank Zappa - The Black Page #2 (2:49)
41. Frank Zappa - Jones Crusher (3:00)
42. Frank Zappa - The Little House I Used To Live In (7:12)
43. Frank Zappa - Dong Work For Yuda (2:55)
44. Frank Zappa - Bobby Brown (4:54)
45. Frank Zappa - Envelopes (2:15)
46. Frank Zappa - Terry Firma (4:10)
47. Frank Zappa - Disco Boy (6:42)
48. Frank Zappa - King Kong (10:10)
49. Frank Zappa - Watermelon In Easter Hay (Prequel) (3:55)
50. Frank Zappa - Dinah-Moe Humm (6:09)
51. Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo (3:23)
52. Frank Zappa - Muffin Man (6:17)
53. Frank Zappa - Black Napkins (5:15)
54. Frank Zappa - San Ber'dino (5:54)

Comienza TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 18hs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW por Ustream. Voy a pasar todo el Mundo Zappa durante varias horas; sus discos, recitales, bootlegs, sus amigos y producciones personales. La idea es hacer varios programas coleccionables, y para el cierre de cada emisión un recital completo de Frank Zappa. Te lo vas a perder? ES EL SHOW DE ZAPPA!.
EVERY TUESDAY TO 18hrs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW by Ustream. I will move all over the world for several hours Zappa, his albums, concerts, bootlegs, friends and personal productions. The idea is to make several programs collectibles, and the closure of each issue a full concert of Frank Zappa. You're going to lose?
1ra Temporada/1st Seasson.
_Argentina 18hs.
_New York 16hs.
_Los Angeles 13hs.
_Mexico DF 15hs.
_London 21hs.
_Madrid 22hs.
_Caracas 17hs.
Para conocer que horario corresponde a tu ciudad: click acá.
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Comienza TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 18hs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW por Ustream. Voy a pasar todo el Mundo Zappa durante varias horas; sus discos, recitales, bootlegs, sus amigos y producciones personales. La idea es hacer varios programas coleccionables, y para el cierre de cada emisión un recital completo de Frank Zappa. Te lo vas a perder? ES EL SHOW DE ZAPPA!.
EVERY TUESDAY TO 18hrs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW by Ustream. I will move all over the world for several hours Zappa, his albums, concerts, bootlegs, friends and personal productions. The idea is to make several programs collectibles, and the closure of each issue a full concert of Frank Zappa. You're going to lose?
1ra Temporada/1st Seasson.
_Argentina 18hs.
_New York 16hs.
_Los Angeles 13hs.
_Mexico DF 15hs.
_London 21hs.
_Madrid 22hs.
_Caracas 17hs.
Para conocer que horario corresponde a tu ciudad: click acá.
domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Comienza TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 18hs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW por Ustream. Voy a pasar todo el Mundo Zappa durante varias horas; sus discos, recitales, bootlegs, sus amigos y producciones personales. La idea es hacer varios programas coleccionables, y para el cierre de cada emisión un recital completo de Frank Zappa. Te lo vas a perder? ES EL SHOW DE ZAPPA!.
EVERY TUESDAY TO 18hrs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW by Ustream. I will move all over the world for several hours Zappa, his albums, concerts, bootlegs, friends and personal productions. The idea is to make several programs collectibles, and the closure of each issue a full concert of Frank Zappa. You're going to lose?
1ra Temporada/1st Seasson.
_Argentina 18hs.
_New York 16hs.
_Los Angeles 13hs.
_Mexico DF 15hs.
_London 21hs.
_Madrid 22hs.
Para conocer que horario corresponde a tu ciudad: click acá.
sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010
Miami Matinee Vol. I+II - AUD 2-LP
Quiero compartir este posteo con ustedes, ya que me voy de viaje una semana a las Sierras Cordobesas. A mi regreso, comienza TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 18hs ZAPPA GRITA RADIO SHOW por Ustream. Voy a pasar todo el Mundo Zappa durante varias horas; sus discos, recitales, bootlegs, sus amigos y producciones personales.
Ahora si, a disfrutar de este maravilloso recital en Miami de 1976, rippeado de unos LPs originales. Una delicia zappiana.

Miami Matinee Volume I (LP)
Miami Matinee Volume II (LP)
* University of Florida, Miami, 16-Oct-1976
* Felt Forum, New York, 31-Oct-1976
Length: 38:51 + ~40min
Sound quality: Audience: "quite excellent" on the Miami tracks on Volume II,
inferior on Volume I, and hideous on the New York tracks
Label: KAX records LP 21489-3/4
* Miami musicians: Frank Zappa, Ray White, Terry Bozzio, Patrick O'Hearn,
Eddie Jobson and Lady Bianca Thornton/Odin
* New York musicians: Frank Zappa, Ray White, Terry Bozzio, Patrick O'Hearn
and Eddie Jobson
LP 1 / Side A
01. Intro
02. Stink-Foot [including poodle lecture]
03. Dirty Love
04. Wind Up Workin' in a Gas Station
05. Tryin' to Grow a Chin
LP 1 / Side B
06. Rudy Wants to Buy Yez a Drink
07. Would You Go All the Way?
08. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
09. What Kind of Girl Do You Think We Are?
10. Dinah-Moe Humm
11. The Purple Lagoon
LP 2 / Side A
12. You Didn't Try to Call Me
13. Advance Romance
14. Stranded in the Jungle
LP 2 / Side B
15. Black Napkins
16. Muffin Man
Live in Miami 16-Oct-1976 except tracks 14 and 16, which are live in New York
31-Oct-1976. The sound quality bites it on the New York tracks, and "Muffin Man"
is supposed to be especially abominable. The Miami sound is "quite excellent"
on Volume I, but not so good on Volume II. Very silly colour covers with non-1976
photos on the back. Released in 1987 and 1988.
From Larry:
Thought you might be interested to know that I am the guy who made the original
concert recordings for some of those boots, particularly Miami Matinee. I made
the mistake of sharing copies of these tapes with the wrong people, which led to
their commercial release as boots. My master tapes are qualitatively superior,
and more complete, than the multi-generational versions that eventually got
Here's a little trivia about the Miami Matinee concert that you might want to
throw onto your website. I remember the day very clearly, even though it was
28 years ago. Beautiful and sunny, with puffy clouds. The University of Miami
booked Zappa at the last second because a date in Jacksonville got cancelled
for some reason. The concert was held on the University of Miami "patio", an
outdoor gathering area adjacent to the pool. The area was usually used for
outdoor snacking on food bought in the Student Union. The patio was about the
size of the average jazz club, maybe 40 feet wide by 100 feet deep at the most,
so it was a very intimate setting. There no seats. We sat on the concrete deck
on towels, as at a picnic.
During warmup rehearsals several hours before the show, Zappa's band played
"Layla", and I could kick myself for not having my tape deck with me. My
recording equipment consisted of a Sony TC-153 SD portable stereo tape deck,
a component-quality cassette deck intended for on-location recording of non-
critical quality. (I used the same deck 4 years later to record an interview
I did with Zappa). At the time, I believe, it was the only mid-priced deck
of its kind (about $200). The next deck up was a portable reel-to-reel that
cost about $2500. I used two Sony microphones of medium quality. I forget the
specs but each mike used an AA battery internally. I think it was called an
electret condenser mike, but I'm not certain. The masters were recorded on
Maxell UD tape.
During the concert, Zappa's bodyguard, John Smothers, eyed the audience like
a hawk looking for taping equipment. I had to hide the tape deck under a
blanket with just the ends of the mikes sticking out. Smothers did catch
someone else taping the show. He went down, took the cassette out of the
guy's recorder, then went back on stage and proceeded to pull the tape out
of the cassette, one yank at a time, until it was all out. This was done in
full view of the audience, as an object lesson.
The bootleg version does not contain the complete show, nor does it play
the songs in the sequence they were performed.
Descargar Miami Vol 1
Descargar Miami Vol 2
Pass: zappagrita
Ahora si, a disfrutar de este maravilloso recital en Miami de 1976, rippeado de unos LPs originales. Una delicia zappiana.

Miami Matinee Volume I (LP)
Miami Matinee Volume II (LP)
* University of Florida, Miami, 16-Oct-1976
* Felt Forum, New York, 31-Oct-1976
Length: 38:51 + ~40min
Sound quality: Audience: "quite excellent" on the Miami tracks on Volume II,
inferior on Volume I, and hideous on the New York tracks
Label: KAX records LP 21489-3/4
* Miami musicians: Frank Zappa, Ray White, Terry Bozzio, Patrick O'Hearn,
Eddie Jobson and Lady Bianca Thornton/Odin
* New York musicians: Frank Zappa, Ray White, Terry Bozzio, Patrick O'Hearn
and Eddie Jobson
LP 1 / Side A
01. Intro
02. Stink-Foot [including poodle lecture]
03. Dirty Love
04. Wind Up Workin' in a Gas Station
05. Tryin' to Grow a Chin
LP 1 / Side B
06. Rudy Wants to Buy Yez a Drink
07. Would You Go All the Way?
08. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
09. What Kind of Girl Do You Think We Are?
10. Dinah-Moe Humm
11. The Purple Lagoon
LP 2 / Side A
12. You Didn't Try to Call Me
13. Advance Romance
14. Stranded in the Jungle
LP 2 / Side B
15. Black Napkins
16. Muffin Man
Live in Miami 16-Oct-1976 except tracks 14 and 16, which are live in New York
31-Oct-1976. The sound quality bites it on the New York tracks, and "Muffin Man"
is supposed to be especially abominable. The Miami sound is "quite excellent"
on Volume I, but not so good on Volume II. Very silly colour covers with non-1976
photos on the back. Released in 1987 and 1988.
From Larry:
Thought you might be interested to know that I am the guy who made the original
concert recordings for some of those boots, particularly Miami Matinee. I made
the mistake of sharing copies of these tapes with the wrong people, which led to
their commercial release as boots. My master tapes are qualitatively superior,
and more complete, than the multi-generational versions that eventually got
Here's a little trivia about the Miami Matinee concert that you might want to
throw onto your website. I remember the day very clearly, even though it was
28 years ago. Beautiful and sunny, with puffy clouds. The University of Miami
booked Zappa at the last second because a date in Jacksonville got cancelled
for some reason. The concert was held on the University of Miami "patio", an
outdoor gathering area adjacent to the pool. The area was usually used for
outdoor snacking on food bought in the Student Union. The patio was about the
size of the average jazz club, maybe 40 feet wide by 100 feet deep at the most,
so it was a very intimate setting. There no seats. We sat on the concrete deck
on towels, as at a picnic.
During warmup rehearsals several hours before the show, Zappa's band played
"Layla", and I could kick myself for not having my tape deck with me. My
recording equipment consisted of a Sony TC-153 SD portable stereo tape deck,
a component-quality cassette deck intended for on-location recording of non-
critical quality. (I used the same deck 4 years later to record an interview
I did with Zappa). At the time, I believe, it was the only mid-priced deck
of its kind (about $200). The next deck up was a portable reel-to-reel that
cost about $2500. I used two Sony microphones of medium quality. I forget the
specs but each mike used an AA battery internally. I think it was called an
electret condenser mike, but I'm not certain. The masters were recorded on
Maxell UD tape.
During the concert, Zappa's bodyguard, John Smothers, eyed the audience like
a hawk looking for taping equipment. I had to hide the tape deck under a
blanket with just the ends of the mikes sticking out. Smothers did catch
someone else taping the show. He went down, took the cassette out of the
guy's recorder, then went back on stage and proceeded to pull the tape out
of the cassette, one yank at a time, until it was all out. This was done in
full view of the audience, as an object lesson.
The bootleg version does not contain the complete show, nor does it play
the songs in the sequence they were performed.
Descargar Miami Vol 1
Descargar Miami Vol 2
Pass: zappagrita
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
Congress Shall Make No Law... (2010)

Official Release #88
Released: 19 September 2010
Label: Zappa Records
Catalog Number: ZR 20011
Music composed, performed & recorded by Frank Zappa
Produced by Frank Zappa
CD Produced by Gail Zappa
01. Congress Shall Make No Law 32:46
02. Perhaps in Maryland 10:45
03. thou shalt have no other gods before Me 2:56
04. thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image - any likeness of anything in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor ?n the water under the earth 2:31
05. thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 2:26
06. thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath day 2:05
07. thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother 2:21
08. thou shalt not Kill 2:06
09. thou shalt not commit adultery 0:55
10. thou shalt not steal 0:39
11. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor 1:48
12. thou shalt not covet the house of thy neighbor, the wife of thy neighbor, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ass, nor anything that belongs to thy neighbor 1:13
13. Reagan at Bitburg some more 1:10
The Final Word:
Burp Art Performances by Jade Teta, Produced & Conducted by FZ, UMRK
Program Assemblage by GZ with Joe Travers and a little help from Todd Yvega
Vaultmeisterment by Joe Travers for UMRK
Words spoken by FZ: Testimony Audio from Videotape masters; Statements Audio from 1630 Digital – as Selected & Transferred by FZ
Titles of tracks 3 - 12 based on 10 Commandments transcribed by Moses
Mastering & Audio Restoration by John Polito, Audio Mechanics
All Recordings and Art Elements from the Vault, courtesy ZFT Archives
Parte 1 / Parte 2 / Artwork
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
Jeff Simmons - Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up (1970)

Jeff Simmons, born May 1949 in Seattle, Washington, is a rock musician and former member of Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention. Simmons provided bass, guitar, and backing vocals for the group between 1970 and 1971. He left The Mothers just prior to the filming of 200 Motels (where he was replaced in the film by Ringo Starr's chauffeur Martin Lickert) in mid 1971. Jeff later returned to the group for a time during 1972 and 1973. Zappa and Mothers albums he appeared on include Chunga's Revenge (1970), Waka/Jawaka (1972), Roxy & Elsewhere (1974).
Years later Zappa released a number of archival recordings made during this period that feature Jeff including You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 (1988), You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 (1992), and Playground Psychotics (1992). Jeff also appears in the Zappa movie The True Story Of Frank Zappa's 200 Motels (1989). Numerous Zappa bootleg recordings from the same era also feature Simmons.
Simmons is one of only a handful of musicians to share a songwriting credit with Zappa. Their collaboration Wonderful Wino appears on Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up and also on Zappa's 1976 album Zoot Allures. The title song of the album Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up was also re-recorded in a completely different arrangement on Zappa's 1979 album Joe's Garage. Simmons is also listed as co-writer (with Zappa and Napoleon Murphy Brock) on Dummy Up from Zappa's 1974 album Roxy & Elsewhere. During a 1982 guest DJ spot on UK's BBC Radio 1 Zappa played some of his favorite recordings including Simmons' song I'm In The Music Business.
(Jeff Simmons, LP, Straight/Reprise RS 6391, February 9, 1970)
1. Appian Way (Simmons) 2:30
2. Zondo Zondo (Simmons) 1:49
3. Madame Du Barry (Simmons) 2:42
4. I'm In The Music Business (Simmons) 4:05
5. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up (La Marr Bruister) 3:14
6. Raye (Simmons) 4:40
7. Wonderful Wino (Bruister/Simmons) 2:56
8. Tigres (Simmons) 3:14
9. Aqueous Humore (Simmons) 3:28
10. Conversations With A Recluse (Simmons) 3:51
Produced by La marr Bruister & Chris Huston
Recorded at Mystic & Whitney studios
Engineer: Chris Huston
Director of Engineering for Bizarre/Straight: Dick Kunc
Master of Bizarre & Straight Business Also: Herb Cohen
Design & Photography: John Williams
Jeff Simmons electric bass, piano, organ, accordion & vocals
Craig Tarwater guitars
Ian Underwood saxophones
Ron Woods drums, tambourines & maracas
FZ lead guitar on "Lucille" and "Raye"
John Kehlior drums on "Lucille" and "Raye"
5. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
Has messed my mind up
But I still love her
Oh I still love her
Has messed my mind up
But I still need her
You know I need her
Whatcha tryna doota me
Whatcha tryna doota me
Whatcha tryna doota me
You got me goin' outa my mind
Has tore my heart up
But I still love her
I really love her
Has tore my heart up
But I still want her
I really want her
She treats me like my heart
Is made of stone
She runs around
And leaves me home alone
She doesn't answer
When I call her on the phone
She messed up my mind
I'm cryin' alla the time
Has messed my mind up
But I still love her
I still love her
Has tore my heart up
But I still want her
Hey, I still love her
Has tore my heart up
But I still need her
I really need her, baby
Oh, Lucille
Has tore my heart up
But you know I still love her . . .
7. Wonderful Wino
L.A. in the summer of '69
I went downtown and bought some wine
Wasted my head on three quarts of juice
And now the grapes won't turn me loose
I'm a wino man
Don't you know I am?
36, 24, hips about 30
I seen a fine lady and I start talkin' dirty
She looked at me and raised her thumb
And said: "Jam down the road, you funky-ass bum"
I'm a wino man
Don't you know I am?
I, I went to the country
And while I was gone
A roller-headed lady
Caught me weedling on her lawn
I'm so ashamed, but I'm a wino man
I can't help myself
My saxophone playing
And my wino career are in a slump
'Cause I find myself now living
In a cardboard refrigerator box down by the Houston dump
And I'm so ashamed
I've been drinkin' all night and my eyes are all in red
Crashed in the gutter and bugs in my head
Bugs in my clothes, been scratchin' like a dog
I can't stand water, and I stink like a hog
Give me fi-i-ive bucks and a hot meal
Give me FIVE bucks and a hot meal
Oh, maybe an overcoat or two
PRE-ORDER Frank Zappa Hammersmith Odeon 3-CD Set
In honor of FZ's 70th & his favorite holiday, Halloween!
Brilliant performances! 1978 LIVE in London. You are there!
Special Party Pack Presentation!
Gracias a Martin J.D. dijo...
Mira, te dejo la lista de temas:
Disc One:
1. “Convocation / Purple Lagoon Intro”
2. “Dancin’ Fool”
3. “Peaches En Regalia”
4. “The Torture Never Stops”
5. “Tryin To Grow A Chin”
6. “City Of Tiny Lites”
7. “Baby Snakes”
8. “Pound For A Brown”
Disc Two:
1. “I Have Been In You”
2. “Flakes”
3. “Broken Hearts Are For A*******”
4. “Punky’s Whips”
5. “Titties And Beer”
6. “Audience Participation”
7. “The Black Page #2″
8. “Jones Crusher”
9. “The Little House I Used To Live In”
Disc Three:
1. “Dong Work For Yuda”
2. “Bobby Brown”
3. “Envelopes”
4. “Terry Firma”
5. “Disco Boy”
6. “King Kong”
7. “Watermelon in Easter Hay”
8. “Dinah Moe Humm”
9. “Camarillo”
10. “Muffin Man”
11. “Black Napkins”
12. “San Ber’dino”
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